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Emmbros Forgings Private Limited

Company Profile

Established in the year 1995 Emmbros Forgings Private Limited has now become a prestigious name among the Manufacturers & Exporters of Automotive Components in the International market. Our organization has reached at pinnacle of success because of the dedication and competent direction of the CEOs Mr. Raj Mehta and Mr. Mohinder Mehta. Together they have made the company prosper and continue to maintain its image as an organization that is experienced yet open to pick up new trends and modify itself accordingly.

Integrity& consistency are the strength of the firm that has helped us to maintain good relations with clients as well as stakeholders. Our team of able professionals acts as a pillar to our organization. We also stay in regular touch with the market to determine what the clients want and incorporate their needs into our products.

We have a well built product designing & development unit in order to facilitate the manufacturing of our range. We maintain well-operational forging testing and heat treatment facilities together with sophisticated in house tool and die rooms. We are committed to manufacture custom designed products to meet the ever-changing requirements of the auto-component industry.

Emmbros Forgings Pvt.Ltd. is an ISO/TS16949:2009 certified company and it is our prime concern to withhold our reputation as an organization that provides the highest quality Automotive Components. We improvise on the quality of products based on customer feedback & suggestions. Our quality control team consists of experienced engineers & personnel who monitor the production at each level. Our efforts are targeted towards maintaining the highest standards of accuracy in components.

Our vision is to provide the most effective business solution to the automobile industry in terms of competitive prices timely delivery better quality and sincere services

Technology Incorporated
We have upgraded our manufacturing facilities with latest technology machines and equipment controlled by qualified engineers. We understand that present day''s ultra-competitive automotive marketplace demands superior product process and systems technology it requires people with in-depth technical know-how and a spirit of innovation. Hence we manufacture world-leading automobile components and continually increase our manufacturing efficiency and productivity.

Also by integrating new-generation technology we deliver a powerful advantage at any point in the product development process – from designing to development and production.


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Dera Bassi, Punjab

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